Nobody in our circle got this one right.

Nobody in our circle got this one right.
Looking back is easier than looking down.
What happens when three heavyweight historians go at it?
The true history of the Alamo is long and complicated, but preserving it is even harder.
Tombstone finally gets its due and Jeb Rosebrook rides on.
For the past 29 years I have utilized some pretty amazing Kid look-alikes.
When deepfake meets artistic license.
In spite of being a prisoner of war, Goyathlay (his real name) rode in Teddy Roosevelt’s inaugural parade and visited the White House. With his growing national notoriety he began to cash in. He favored three-piece suits, and he had a sweet tooth for lemon pie. He was a master haggler and, by one account, a fearless homemaker. Truth be told, he was a master at beating the White Man at his own game. At the end of his long, rich life, what was his dying wish?
A schoolteacher in New Mexico found the answer.
This is that story.
Sometimes the truth is wilder than anything you can make up.
Wyatt Earp & Doc Holliday vs Texas Cowboys.
One of my favorite working vacations was staying at the Maynard Dixon cabin and art studio in Mount Carmel, Utah, in September of 2017. I finished my book on Wild Bill in the rock-sided studio’s great room. You can stay there as well and I highly recommend it. I have also made a few runs at Maynard and his geometric style myself.
— Photo and Artwork by Bob Boze Bell —
Jeff Milton vs The Burt Alvord Gang.