A coal camp teacher discovered herself and the world in the Mohrland, Utah, melting pot.

A coal camp teacher discovered herself and the world in the Mohrland, Utah, melting pot.
What became of Wyatt Earp’s horse, Dick Naylor? When did the first autos appear in the Wild West towns? There is a U.S. National Forest map “The Apache Kid Wilderness” that shows the Apache Kid’s gravesite. Is that accurate? And more.
Going “home” to a sweet moment in American history.
Did Big Nose Kate watch the Tombstone shootout?
What became of Wyatt Earp’s horse, Dick Naylor? How did the term “Code of the West” originate? Did a youngster named Al Smith name Hole in the Wall?
Silas Hite, Composer, Musician, Artist
Western events for November 2020
During Mexico’s 1910 Revolution, rebel forces fought with muzzle-loaders, lever-action and bolt-action repeaters—even machine guns.
Villa vs Calles: With friends like these, who needs enemies? Pancho gets whipped and three of his adversaries become president of Mexico!
Bold. Inspirational. Sacred. Rugged.
Women of grit and grace brought home cooking to their restaurants across the West.
One of Hollywood’s finest gentlemen of the silver screen recalls his early career in Westerns.