The stores of Far Haven and the rebirth of an iconic film location are both tales of redemption. Beginning with the deadly nighttime ambush of a...
Ulzana’s Raid
Fifty years after its release, Robert Aldrich's Western stands out as a classic in an era when the genre is waning. In 1972’s...
War and Peace
Linda Wommack’s new history of Colorado’s Indian Wars, a collection of essays on the Silver State, a tale of a Cheyenne hero, a classic Western from...
1883: The Wagons West Story
Innovative filmmaker Taylor Sheridan’s new series captures the grit and the glory of the trail. When True West spoke to creator Taylor Sheridan in...
Christopher Mitchum
The reluctant Western star shares memories of his acting career. "Dad started acting just about the time I was born, in 1943,” Christopher...
Hats off to 1883
Our new favorite show in the Land of the Nitpickers. All Images of “1883” Courtesy Paramount+/Robert Duvall Image Courtesy CBS Television We love...
Bruce Boxleitner
James Arness made all the difference in his storied film and television career. In 1976, Gunsmoke’s James Arness was about to take on the lead role...
Best of the West 2022: Western Movies
Wall-to-Wall Westerns After a drought in the classic genre in 2020, Western productions returned with both barrels in 2021. What a...
Mr. Authenticity
Many fans of Westerns, especially the True West maniacs, are guilty of picking them apart for the anachronisms all too often found in such...
Dern’d If You Do
Some of the most memorable roles in Western cinema history were portrayed by Bruce Dern during his long and storied career. It’s no surprise that...
The Duke Stars on a New Stage
His personal belongings tell a lot about the big man. The wooden crate is 8-by-8-by-8 feet. Inside the oversized box are bag after bag of unopened...
Bison, Brushy Bill and Barroom Brawls
How athletic is the American buffalo? R. Wayne Bramble (Walhalla, North Dakota) Bison are amazing animals. Despite weighing as much as a ton, the...