In April of 1883, General Crook mounted a massive expedition force to go after Geronimo and his warriors in Mexico. Assigned to cover the story for the New York Herald, A. Frank Randall brought along a camera and glass plates packed by a mule. Barely a week into the expedition, five mules were killed when they lost their footing on the narrow high mountain trails in the Sierra Madres. One fell hundreds of feet to its doom. The unfortunate animal carried Randall’s cherished camera and glass plates with it.

January 2017
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Lane by a Foot
- Clint’s Career Cut Short?
- True West’s Best of the West 2017: Western Wear
- Antoine Leroux
- Bonanza’s Bing Russell
- When Did the Practice of Branding Livestock Begin in the U.S.?
- Some Bad Beef Between Robert Ford and Jefferson Davis Hardin?
- True West’s Best of the West 2017: Firearms
- Cliff Hanger
- Jack Elam Gets Cut
- What Happened to Mart “Old Man” Blevins of the Pleasant Valley War?
- What Bacon Did Trail Cowboys Eat?
- Mack Hughes’ Cowboy Christmas
- A Mapmaker’s Tragic End
- If Billy the Kid would have been given a fair trial in the Cahill incident, would the Kid have been convicted of murder or a lesser charge?
- What is a Cowboy?
- How Many Indians Died at the 1876 Battle of The Little Big Horn?
- True West Moment: Horses Hate Horseradish
- I’m a Fan of AMC’s Hell on Wheels. Is the Route Constructed from Council Bluffs, Iowa, to Sacramento, California, Still In Use Today?
- Black Bart’s Bad Day
- Crown City’s Old Vistas
- True West’s Ultimate Historic Travel Guide
- Denver’s Unsinkable Hostess
- Buffalo Bill Lies Here—Or Here