Hit the road where the famous roamed across the Cowboy State. Butch, Sundance, Wild Bill, Calamity and Buffalo Bill are just a few of the Old...

Hit the road where the famous roamed across the Cowboy State. Butch, Sundance, Wild Bill, Calamity and Buffalo Bill are just a few of the Old...
Discover the life of the legendary Comanche following the arrows in the Lone Star State. Quanah Parker, war chief of the last band of...
Traversing the Sunflower State from Leavenworth to Dodge City Timing, as they say, is everything and that certainly proved true for Missouri trader...
Adventures await across the Silver State for the visitor who loves small towns and history. Growing up in Southern California, I spent a great deal...
Travel across Arkansas, Oklahoma and Colorado and discover the real and imagined locations of the iconic novel and 1969 film’s locations. All Images...
The Earp brothers’ trail from Prescott to Tombstone is a treasure trove of historic sites. Wyatt Earp, his lawmen brothers and Doc Holliday are best...
Pack your bags and saddle up. Adventures await across the American West. Twenty years ago True West magazine launched its annual travel issue, and...
The First City of the Sunflower State celebrates its Western heritage. Leavenworth is known as the First City of Kansas, but its importance in...
Follow the Western Cattle Trail from Bandera, Texas, to Miles City, Montana. All Images by Johnny D. Boggs Unless Otherwise Indicated Blame...
Remembering my great-grandfather’s role in the creation of a classic Western fiction and film character. John Franklin Cogburn, nicknamed “Rooster”...
Innovative filmmaker Taylor Sheridan’s new series captures the grit and the glory of the trail. When True West spoke to creator Taylor Sheridan in...
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Oklahoma became one of the nation’s leaders in peach and stone fruit production. Fruit is not exactly the...