Jim Bridger, once a teenaged mountain man, became the most dependable and renowned trailblazer of the vast lands of the American West. For more than...
“Christmas Dinner” with Charlie Russell
Highlights from The Russell Auction in Great Falls, Montana. As might be expected, the strongest sellers at the Russell Auction, held at the C.M....
The Duke Stars on a New Stage
His personal belongings tell a lot about the big man. The wooden crate is 8-by-8-by-8 feet. Inside the oversized box are bag after bag of unopened...
The Donner Business
Where did the wagon train party fall short? Back when I was in high school, a group of us loved to go winter camping out in the middle of nowhere....
Shooting Back
The Many Faces of the Mountain Man A year ago, True West’s cover featured the fine art painting by ZS Liang titled Mountain Man. Liang’s masterpiece...
The Seekers
It has become somewhat of a tradition at True West magazine to do a mountain man on the December cover. In the past two decades we have run at least...
Truth Be Known
Old Vaquero Saying “The most complicated thing in the world is to be able to keep things simple. The simplest thing in the world is to make things...
Stand to Be Counted
Dakota Territory photographer David Francis Barry, well known for his portraits of Chief Joseph and Sitting Bull, recorded census day at the Sioux...
Own a Gunfighter’s Favorite!
Thanks to replicas, you can have a spitting-image, working copy of some of the Old West’s most colorful shootists’ famous guns. Talk about...
Cave Creek, Arizona
Horses and Harleys merge “Where the West Lives” in the Old West suburb of metro Phoenix. Scottsdale, which has gotten too big for its...
Sooners and Boomers!
The Land Run of 1891 was one of the most remarkable events in Western history. One needs to understand that Oklahoma is an instant land. There are...
All Hail the Cowboy Hat!
From the Boss of The Plains to The Gus “A fine hat fits like a good friend.” —Charles M. Russell In 1989, veteran actors Robert Duvall...