The Man with No Nose

The Man with No Nose

Doc Holliday vs Mike Gordon Hoodoo Brown’s court invents “excusable homicide” Gambler draws a “pair of sixes” and is “froze out.” By Bob Boze Bell...

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Shooting Back

Shooting Back

Our readers remind us of the variables and vagaries of historic truths, “well-established” facts, headlines and historical photographs. Double-Take...

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Truth Be Known

Truth Be Known

Old Vaquero Saying “Love is blind but not the neighbors.” Quotes “Pretty near all these stories are true.” —Wild Bill Hickok, hedging on the...

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The Tom Jonas Map Quest

The Tom Jonas Map Quest

Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what it took to get a map of the location of Doc Holliday’s Saloon in Las Vegas, New Mexico (“Classic Gunfights,”...

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Armed and Courageous

Armed and Courageous

Private Bill Foster wears his Arizona Ranger badge and holds the standard Ranger 1895 Winchester .30-40 lever-action rifle as he stands to the left...

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