Harried from his Virginia home by a murder he didn’t commit, Mountain Man Matt Slaughter finds a wild Garden of Eden in the Big Horns, a loving young woman and a hardshell old trapper. But Death enters in the guise of P.D. Wildmoon, a bounty huntress, and her killer brood of three sons.
When she defies an Indian War to force Matt out into the open by kidnapping his woman and killing his old friend, she learns why he’s famed among the Sioux as Igmutaka, the Mountain Lion. Swiftly striking back and killing one of P.D.’s sons, Matt turns the tables as the hunted becomes the hunter. Badmen are usually a peso a dozen in many yarns, but gun-crazy P.D. Wildmoon is the Bloody Mama readers will love to hate! —William Garwood