For 15 years, Drew Gomber led tourists on tours of historic Lincoln and Lincoln County in New Mexico, helping them walk in the footsteps of Billy the Kid, follow the paths of people who fought in the Lincoln County War and explore the sites of legendary gunfights. He retired from tours last year to focus on his writing career. He is a frequent contributor to the Ruidoso News and The Tombstone Epitaph and has discussed Old West history on shows for the History Channel, Biography and Discovery.

February 2017
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Did Old West Towns Require Cowboys To Check Their Guns?
- What History Has Taught Me: Rex Allen Jr., Country Singer
- Western Events for February 2017
- Which U.S. Army Officer Had The Worst Attitude Toward Indians?
- Who Was William Preston Longley?
- What Is A High Shoulder Saddle?
- A Pistoleer Goes Semi Auto
- Where Was The Tombstone Jail?
- Little Houses on the Prairie
- Why In Bob Boze Bell’s Painting, Is Wild Bill Hickok’s Navy Colt Pointed To The Sky?
- The Wickedest Cattletown in Kansas
- Sold Off By Her Father
- What History Has Taught Me: Drew Gomber, History Buff
- A Stone Sentinel Stands Tall Again