bill-carver-blogOn September 19th, 1900, Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, and members of the Wild Bunch were on their way to Winnemucca, Nevada to rob the local bank.  On the way to town they had to cut their way through a barbed wire fence. Bill Carver took a pair of wire cutters from his saddle bag and was cutting the fence when a skunk suddenly appeared on the scene.  Bill drew his pistol, fired and missed.  The skunk fired back and hit.  While the rest of the gang whooped and hollered, Carver attacked the skunk.  The hairy critter’s aim was deadly and when Bill tried to re-mount his horse, the animal shied away, wanting no part of him.  Neither did the Wild Bunch. Carver was forced to ride into town at the distant rear of the gang.  Inside the bank, even the tellers held their noses when he approached.  The clerks kept sniffing and finally Carver snapped, “Dammit, I can’t help it. He got me first.”

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