Lisa Wysocky, Lyons Press, $24.95, Hardcover.
 Lisa Wysocky, Lyons Press, $24.95, Hardcover.

Horse Country is definitely for Country music and horse devotees. Exclusive interviews with 27 Grand Ole Opry stars—including George Jones, Tanya Tucker, Brad Paisley and Charlie Daniels—showcase the unconditional devotion shared between them and their horses. The celebs impart lessons learned of life, love, trust, determination and friendship. Some, like Willie Nelson, are involved with preventing their slaughter, others compete with their horses at rodeos. All find the horse as positive motivators. “It doesn’t matter what breed they are or what size or color they are, it’s what’s inside the horse that is important to me … actually, I’m kind of the same way about people,” says Eddie Montgomery of Montgomery Gentry

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