August 16, 1899
Camped in a cave, two miles south of Folsom, New Mexico, Tom Ketchum waits until dark, then mounts up
He leads a pack horse carrying his safe-blowing kit. The outlaw rides to a spot on the Colorado & Southern Railroad tracks, hitches his horses, builds a fire and starts walking toward Folsom.
It is 10:20 p.m. and the southbound train No. 1 is running 10 minutes late. When the train reache

April 2009
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- The Adventures of a Wagon Train
- Cowboys in Combat
- Sacajawea (Children’s Book)
- No Need For A Gunfighter (Fiction)
- Arizona War (Fiction)
- Dreams Beneath Your Feet (Fiction)
- Hurd’s Crossing (Fiction)
- Blacks in East Texas History (Nonfiction)
- Rabbit Creek Country (Nonfiction)
- Staking Her Claim (Nonfiction)
- Horse Country (Nonfiction)
- Inkpaduta (Nonfiction)
- Princess Monahsetah, the Concealed Wife of General Custer. (Nonfiction)
- The Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890 (Nonfiction)
- Movie Westerns Back in Print
- Hoppy Re-Upped
More In This Issue
- Nate Funmaker
- San Antonio, Texas
- Cow Camp Style
- Ups & Downs of Ranching Dream
- The Most Famous Rifle of the Old West
- Journey Through Spanish Missions Country
- Preservation: Galvanizing Galveston
- The Sinagua Sunwatchers
- They Ate What?
- Serpents – Lethal Enemies?
- Deadwood Dresses Up Auction
- Batter Up in Tombstone
- Did cowboys accurately shoot revolvers from horseback?
- I’ve been reading Elmer Kelton’s The Day the Cowboys Quit. What does he mean by the word “tawline?”
- Who was better at catching outlaws: the law officers or bounty hunters?
- What can you tell me about Indians who fought in the Civil War?
- What did the wagon trains do for toilet paper during those long trips across the country?
- What were the standard supplies on a chuckwagon?
- I am follicly challenged (ala Telly Savalas). Were there any bald-headed folks of note in the Old West?
- Ketchum Goes Out Alone
- The Road to Mangas
- The Lazy Person’s Guide to Oregon
- Wagon Train Rediscovers America
- Alaska’s Quiet Gold Rush
- Staycations & Vacations