The American West was built on the Homestead Act of 1862, President Lincoln's plan to encourage development of western lands. It provided 160-acre homesteads for both men, single women and female “head of households” provided they “proved up” the land by adding a home and improvements and lived on the property at least seven months a year for five years. Two million people sought patents on land through the Homestead Act, which ran from 1862 to 1976. Historians note the cherished Homeste

May 2015
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- Buck Taylor: King of the Cowboys
- Daredevil, Reporter, Feminist
- The Legend of Sam and Major Dundee
- “One Riot, One Ranger”
- Hell Paso
- Hygiene in the Old West
- Dan Tipton’s Grave
- The Most Detested Day on the Frontier
- When Johnny Came Marching Home Again
- Hanging Windmill
- Arbuckle’s Coffee
- Dancing at the Sheridan Inn
- The First Ronstadt Superstar
- The Birth of an Outlaw
- The Real Bonanza: Water in the Desert
- Bat Masterson Meets his Maker
- Flying Pesos
- Victor Hall
- Gunfighters Didn’t Always Shoot Straight
- Play Ball! Indian Chief Trading Cards
- Mother’s Day Revisited
- Pancho Villa’s Guns
- The North Bend Robbery
- Erwin E. Smith
- Power’s War: New Film Investigates Arizona’s Deadliest Gunfight
- The Sundance Kid
- Show Low vs a Straight Flush
- New Mexico to Honor Author Max Evans
- Gunfighter Marksmanship
- What a Teenager
- Hanging Judge Isaac Parker
- Dust-Up in Delta
- Jack Swilling
- Opulence, Your Name is Cheyenne
- The War’s not Over ’Til It’s Over
- Russian Bill
- Western Star James Coburn Posthumous Honors
- Bill Carver and the Skunk
- Texas Rangers Epic Event
- Oh, The Homestead
- John Escapule
- She Rests in Arizona
- King of the Counterfeiters
- America’s Titanic Tragedy on the Mississippi River
- Andy Cooper
- Saddle Rifle Extraordinaire
- What an Idea
- Matt Warner’s Speakeasy
- True West Contributor Honored with Western Heritage Award
- John “Pie” Allen
- Pioneer Women
- No Spin: Real West, Real History from True West’s Marshall Trimble
- Idaho Celebrates 125 Years of Statehood
- A Boomer Sooner Goes South
- Snowshoeing with the Donner Party
- Buffalo Bill’s Disputed Dagger
- Billy Bonney’s Bad Bucks
- Billy the Irish
- “Hello, Bob.”
- Seeking the Creation of the Kid’s Death Record
- Is This a Photograph of Billy Playing Croquet?
- How Did Henry Get His Alias?
- How Did the Kid Get the Gun?
- May 2015 Events
- On The Trail Of Custer
- Two-Fisted Texas Ranger Action
- A Russian Duke Out West
- Wister’s Trails West
- Get a Room! Historic Western Hotels and Saloons Recall the Golden Era of the West
- Were there brothel inspectors in the Old West?
- Dan Piraro
- Wild Times on the Alaska Frontier
- Buffalo Bill And The Indians
- After the Homestead Act, how did early settlers stake out their land?
- Armed to Survive
- A Campaign from Hell
- What kind of restaurants existed in the Old West?
- What’s the story behind Wild Bill Hickok’s gunfight with a couple of soldiers in Hays City, Kansas?
- Did naturally burning coal mines exist in the Old West?
- The Prince of Hangmen?
- Cement Cowboy Nearly Dies
- A Smatter of Smearcase
- The End of the West
- “What if everything we know about Billy the Kid is wrong?”
- Raphael “Red” Lopez
- That Would be Mrs. Jerome, Thank You
- Rough Drafts 5/15