True West's Historical Consultant Fondly Remembers his Most Treasured Birthday Gift It was the autumn of 1962, and we had just returned from a...
Pike Peaked!
Kid Curry vs. Pike Landusky Town's Namesake Laid Low as the Wildest of the Wild Bunch Takes Off December 27, 1894 Celebrating the holidays in...
Have Camera, Will Travel
The Fearless Mirror Makers of the Arizona Territory Arizona and the Southwest were virtually unknown in the middle of the 19th century. A few...
The Last Frontier
Edward Curtis's Final Adventure What we know: He was 59. He had a bad hip after a whale upended his boat while he was making a film. He would travel...
Shadow Catcher
The Man who Saved 100 Nations Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952) was a 19th-century Western pioneer and entrepreneur, known for his photography,...
Arrows: Pointed Death
The Indians’ ammunition grew on trees. An arrow, the deadly projectile propelled from a bow, could arguably be called the Indians’ “bullet.”...
Western Art Sells High in Arizona
The 2021 Scottsdale Art Auction exceeded all expectations. The annual Scottsdale Art Auction, held online on April 9 and 10, offered an...
Saving and Finally Honoring Edward S. Curtis
Tim Peterson's breathtaking collection is coming to Scottsdale. Tim Peterson was just entering his teens in the 1970s when he and his father...
Shooting Back
Remembering Little Bighorn At 88 years of age my memory is not what it used to be, but let me reflect on the fine article by C. Lee Noyes on the...
Edward S. Curtis Redeemed
An underdog gets his due. All my life I have heard criticism of Edward Sheriff Curtis. He faked his photos, he didn’t do this, he had no business...
Truth Be Known
Old Vaquero Saying “After the rabbit has gone, it is time to pound your hat on the grass.” Quotes “All things share the same breath—the...
Entering the Badlands
In 1905, Edward S. Curtis completed his fieldwork with the Sioux tribe in the Badlands of South Dakota. This photograph, Entering the Bad Lands,...