The Walker Party

Historian and cartographer Pieter S. Burggraaf has just published a ground breaking history of early Arizona: The Walker Party—The Revised Story: Across New Mexico and Arizona Territories And up the Hassayampa River, 1861-1863 (Pieter S. Burgraff, $14.75). Burggraaf’s extensive research, including comprehensive notations, and detailed cartography of the Walker Party’s travels are extremely valuable to researchers and historians of the settlement of central Arizona Territory in the 1860s. His analysis of Daniel Ellis Conner’s original manuscript, a copy of which is located in the Arizona Collection at Arizona State University’s Hayden Library, is the most detailed attempt to prove or disprove the veracity of Conner’s book Joseph Reddeford Walker and the Arizona Adventure. I highly recommend Burggraaf’s The Walker Party for anyone interested in the history of the American Southwest. It is available for purchase at

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