This novel is the first of a trilogy focusing on the 1836-53 migration of German people from the Old Country to the Texas wilderness. Thousands anxiously emigrated to a new land, only to experience a frightening and often deadly sea voyage followed by hardship when they reached their destination. Disease, insects, snakes, droughts, tornadoes, famine, lame horses, out

November/December 2008
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Oklahoma Rough Rider (Nonfiction)
- Fort Abraham Lincoln, Dakota Territory (Nonfiction)
- The American Far West in the 20th Century (Nonfiction)
- The Long Knives are Crying (Fiction)
- Adelsverein: The Gathering (Fiction)
- Ride the Desperate Trail (Fiction)
- From a Distance (Fiction)
- Sagebrush and Paintbrush (Children’s Book)
- A Priest, a Prostitute & Some Other Early Texans (Nonfiction)
- Lost Architecture of the Rio Grande Borderlands (Nonfiction)
- Kemo Sabe Unmasked
- Outlaw Trail Collection
- Stranger on Horseback
- Radio Westerns
- Creepy Bastards
- Sturges Biography
- A Passion for Nature The Life of John Muir (Nonfiction)
- Myth of the Hanging Tree (Nonfiction)
More In This Issue
- San Diego, California
- Worst Turkeys of the West
- Dashing Through the Snow
- A Good Enough Mine
- Retreat at the Homestead Ranch
- Paul Andrew Hutton
- History, Not For Sale
- Preservation: Hold the Fort
- That Cowboy Stench
- Centennial Winchester Sells High
- Following the Wild Bunch
- Sheriff’s Sale
- Gloomy Blumy’s Beautiful World