November 4 (or 9th), 1862 Army Surgeon John Marmaduke Whitlock is visiting his good friend Col. Kit Carson at the newly recaptured Fort Stanton (from Confederate forces). Carson is in command of five companies of New Mexico volunteers who are in the process of rebuilding the fort. Dr. Whitlock is engaged in a game of cards in the sutler’s store when the name Capt. James “Pa

April 2010
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- One Against 76
- The Dalles, Oregon
- Chris Enss
- On the Trading Post Trail
- A Mind-Boggling Casa of History
- A Modern Stagecoach Adventure
- John Wayne’s Six-Gun Clone
- Digging Up San Jacinto
- A Tall Order?
- 83 Must-See True West Destinations
- The Cheesy Old West
- Eye Tech in the Old West
- Double D Ranch: Western Boho with a Gypsy Soul
- Valuable Vaqueros
- I’ve heard that Indians plundered the bodies of dead soldiers after the Little Bighorn battle.
- What is the consensus as to the time frame of the Old West?
- My husband’s great uncle was Frank Wheeler.
- The Top 10 Western Movies
- Saddle scabbards for rifles seem to have three locations:
- Did Wyatt Earp have any children?
- What hat styles were popular with the early Texas Rangers?