The Rock Café Rocks Back If you’re getting your kicks on Route 66, stop in at the Rock Café in Stroud, Oklahoma. The popular diner reopened in late May, almost exactly a year after a fire gutted the place. The stone walls, made from rocks that workers excavated to build Route 66, was all that was left of the 1936 structure. But owner Dawn Welch—the model for the blue Porsche Sally in the animated flick Cars—wasn’t about to throw in the towel. Using funds from insurance, grants an

September 2009
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Fort Worth, Texas
- R.W. Hampton
- Spirit West River Lodge
- Sea of Sage
- Vaquero Firepower
- Preservation: Saving the Neighborhood
- Collecting American Outlaws
- Puttin’ Up the Pantry
- The Misery of Mining in the Old West
- Mapping the Black Hills: Valentine T. McGillycuddy
- Patton’s First Two Notches
- It’s Miller Time Again
- Little Miss Sure Shot’s Family Mementos
- My buddy says the pioneers used horses to pull wagons; I say, oxen.
- Top 10 Things To See In Tucson
- How do I use the lariat?
- Who is Patrick Sylvester McGeeney?
- Why is Maj. Marcus Reno of the 7th Cavalry such a controversial figure?
- Who is Badger Clark?