This cased, early production 1848 Colt, complete with accessories, reveals the silvered brass grip straps, circular cylinder stops, and the Ranger and Indian fight roll-engraved cylinder scene. Some later-made ‘48s had rounded trigger guards rather than the squareback type as seen here. Interestingly, the term “Baby Dragoon” is strictly a modern collectors’ term. – All Images Courtesy Rock Island Auction Company –[/capt

True West October 2020
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
To The Point
More In This Issue
- Ouray, Colorado
- Western Roundup: October 2020
- The Legendary Colt, the Earp Clan and Matt Dillon’s Lasso
- What History Has Taught Me: Dennis Gallagher
- The Bounty of the Hunt
- Following the Tracks of the Kansas Pacific
- Punch in a Pocket—1848 Baby Dragoon Revolver
- Western Masters Remain Strong
- Studying History is One Thing; Walking History is Another