A roundup of events where you can experience the old west!
Viejo Pueblo Ghost Rides
San Elizario, TX, July 1: Uncover the hidden secrets of the Wild West with a ride through historic San Elizario’s creepiest sites.
Art Shows

20th Annual Prescott Indian Art Market
Prescott, AZ, July 8-9: Exhibits American Indian weavings, pottery, jewelry and paintings, including Virgil J. Nez’s Power of the West oil, plus offers cultural craft presentations.
928-445-3122 • Sharlot.org
Payson Book Festival
Payson, AZ, July 22: Head to this mining town founded in 1882 and meet 70 Arizona authors; fest also offers food, entertainment and door prizes.
Texas Gun & Knife Show
Kerrville, TX, July 22-23: Buy new and used guns, knives, gold and silver coins, jewelry, camping gear and military supplies under one roof.
830-285-0575 • TexasGunAndKnifeShows.com
25th Anniversary Performance of Salado Legends
Salado, TX, July 22-29 & Aug. 5: Discover Old West history under the stars at the Tablerock Amphitheatre in an epic drama chosen by the Library of Congress as a “Local Legacy.”
254-947-9205 • Tablerock.org
Longmire Days
Buffalo, WY, July 7-9: Author Craig Johnson and actors from the hit series Longmire gather to celebrate cowboy culture and Old West heritage.
307-684-5544 • BuffaloWY.com

Oregon Trail Days
Gering, NE, July 13-16: Celebrates the pioneers who settled western Nebraska via a kickoff barbecue, old-fashioned parades and live music.
308-632-2133 • OregonTrailDays.com
Logger Days Festival
South Fork, CO, July 14-16: Highlights the skills of lumberjacks who settled the area. Events include: axe throws, wood chopping and pole climb.
719-873-5512 • SouthFork.org

Fort Stanton Live
Fort Stanton, NM, July 8: Civil War and Indian Wars re-enactors put on demonstrations, presentations, a concert and a military ball.
575-354-03411 • FortStanton.org
Convergence On Sacred Ground
Lewellen, NE, July 21-23: Historians bring to life Ash Hollow’s American Indians and 1860s pioneers at this Nebraska 150th signature event.
308-289-5552 • Ash-Hollow150th.com

Shoot-out on whiskey row
Prescott, AZ, July 22 & 23: Head to historic Whiskey Row for frontier gunfight shows, contest contests and Old West entertainment, all hosted by Prescott Regulators & Their Shady Ladies.
928-445-1754 • PrescottRegulators.org
National Cowboy Day at Fort Concho
San Angelo, TX, July 22: Fort Concho will mark National Cowboy Day with entertainment and programs that highlight the American cowboy.
325-481-2646 • FortConcho.com

Laramie Jubilee Days
Laramie, WY, July 8-15: Fans of NBC’s Laramie can meet Robert Fuller (right) at this Wyoming history celebration that offers up a kid’s horse show, PRCA rodeo, parade and a carnival.
800-445-5303 • VisitLaramie.org
National Day of the American Cowboy
Bandera, TX, July 22-23: Honor cowboys at this dinner and concert under the stars,
on the Frontier Times Museum grounds.
830-796-3864 • BanderaCowboyCapital.com

Pacific Northwest Explorer
San Francisco, CA, July 30-Aug. 13: Take a tour along the Pacific Ocean, ride the Skunk train, stroll through Victorian-era towns, experience the Cascade range volcanoes and end up in vibrant Seattle, Washington.
877-538-5353 • TravelDreamWest.com
Buffalo Bill Days
Golden, CO, July 27-30: Honors the Wild West showman with a “100 Years in Golden” theme parade, concerts and Wild West activities.
303-279-3342 • BuffaloBillDays.com

Green River Rendezvous
Pinedale, WY, July 7-10: This 1833 mountain man encampment honors rendezvous culture with fur trade lectures and a pageant.
307-367-4136 • VisitPinedale.org
Dodge City Days
Dodge City, KS, July 27-Aug. 6: Get “into” Dodge for a PRCA rodeo, boot hill bull fry, chuckwagon breakfast and Western art show.
620-227-3119 • DodgeCityDays.com
Mountain Rails Music Festival
Alamosa, CO, Weekends in July-September: Take a scenic rid on the Rio Grande train to a mountaintop venue for some live music.
877-726-7245 • ColoradoTrain.com
Big Horn Mountain Festival
Buffalo, WY, July 7-9: Americana, Bluegrass, Folk and Old-Timey tunes will fill the air against a backdrop of the Big Horn Mountains.
Viva Big Bend Music Festival
Alpine, Marfa, Fort Davis & Marathon, TX, July 27-30: More than 50 bands in 10 venues perform Texas music in desert mountain landscapes or against peculiarities such as the Marfa lights.
First Peoples POW WOW & Dance
Sheridan, WY, July 12-14: Held on the lawn of the Sheridan Inn, American Indian dancers and drum teams perform traditional ceremonies.
“World’s Oldest Rodeo”
Prescott, AZ, Ends July 4: Held since 1888, the self-proclaimed “World’s Oldest Rodeo” features steer roping, bull riding and a parade.
866-407-6336 • WorldsOldestRodeo.com
Grangeville Border Days Rodeo
Grangeville, ID, July 1-4: Idaho’s oldest rodeo, first held in 1912, offers team roping, barrel and steer riding, and wild horse race competitions.
208-983-1372 • GrangevilleBorderDays.org
National Little Britches Rodeo
Edmond, OK, July 2-9: Cheer on youth rodeo contestants as they compete to win the roughly $300,000 in awards and college scholarships.
Calgary Stampede & Western Art Show
Calgary, Alberta, CA, July 7-16: With roots tracing to 1886, this rodeo boasts concerts, chuckwagon races and nightly stage shows.
800-661-1260 • CalgaryStampede.com
Cattlemen’s Days
Gunnison, CO, July 7-16: This PRCA rodeo offers horse and livestock shows, a carnival
and live cowboy music and poetry.
970-596-0149 • CattlemensDays.com
Silver State Stampede
Elko, NV, July 13-15: Cowboy entertainment roars to life at this PRCA rodeo featuring ranch-style bronc riding, a trade show and a dance.
800-248-3556 • SilverStateStampede.com
Snake River Stampede Rodeo
Nampa, ID, July 18-22: PRCA bull riding, steer wrestling, bareback bronc riding and
tie-down roping contests stun crowds.
208-466-8497 • SnakeRiverStampede.com
Chief Joseph Days Rodeo
Joseph, OR, July 25-30: This PRCA rodeo offers traditional American Indian dances, a bucking horse stampede and a friendship feast.
541-432-1015 • ChiefJosephDays.com
Nebraska’s Big Rodeo
Burwell, NE, July 26-29: This outdoor rodeo brings crowds contests in bareback, saddle bronc, bull riding and calf and team roping.
308-346-5110 • NebraskasBigRodeo.com