The Palace Saloon in downtown Prescott, Arizona, is the state of Arizona’s oldest, continuously operated bar. Founded in 1874, the Palace is on Montezuma Street, nicknamed Whiskey Row for the number of bars on the block in the early decades of the Territory. Rebuilt after the 1900 fire which devastated downtown Prescott, the bar was famously moved across the street to the Courthouse Plaza while the conflagration burned down the s

True West April 2020
In This Issue:
- Brothers in Blood: Jesse James and Billy the Kid
- Jesse James: The Birth of a Killer
- Birth of an Outlaw Hero
- Special Classic Gunfights: Shoot-out at Stinking Springs
- True West Exclusive: Long Lost Jailhouse Interview with Billy the Kid and Illustration Uncovered
- To Hell on a Fast Horse – Ten Years On
- And Die Like a Soldier
- Western Movies Special: Rebel Raider to Rebel Hero
- On the Road Again
- Black Hills Gold
- Strike it Rich
- Across the Old Southwest
- Gold in Those Wyoming Hills
- Pillars of the Plains
- History Haunts Nevada’s Byways