Many regard High Noon as one of the supremely significant moments in American film, especially as it relates to the players, and the politics, of its time. Audiences today may find that a little odd, since, to the untutored eye, the picture is a fairly unfussy story of a man alone, a marshal, Will Kane (Gary Cooper), who decides to do “what a man’s got to do” and face down an outlaw and his three ga

September 2008
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Unbridled Cowboy (Nonfiction)
- High Noon
- The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones, Vol. III
- The Phantom Empire
- Runaway Horse Reined in
- Amazing Girls of Arizona (Children’s Book)
- Unbridled Dreams (Fiction)
- Val Kilmer Returns
- The Training Ground (Nonfiction)
- Patterson: A Western Duo (Fiction)
- The Legacy of the Mastodon (Nonfiction)
- Horses that Buck: The Story of Champion Bronc Rider Bill Smith (Nonfiction)
- Bad Fruits of the Civilized Tree (Nonfiction)
- Survival Along the Continental Divide (Nonfiction)
- Black Women in Texas History (Nonfiction)
- Dime Novel Desperadoes: The Notorious Maxwell Brothers (Nonfiction)
- Wolves at Our Door (Fiction)