Oh, Give Me a Home…


Utah is becoming one of the nation’s leaders in the number of wild bison roaming within its borders.

In January, crews relocated 31 big shaggies from a herd in southeastern Utah to the remote, rugged Book Cliffs. The bison joined 14 others that had been relocated in August 2008.

The project dates back several decades; in 1941, 18 bison were moved from Yellowstone National Park to Utah’s San Rafael Desert. That herd was later moved to the Henry Mountains.

More recently, the state (using contributions) paid $4 million for three ranches in the Book Cliffs area and for grazing rights on public lands.

Nearby Ute Indians manage another herd; the state already has two other herds. All are allowed to run wild, much as they did in the mid-18th century, before most were killed off by hunters.

Officials expect the Book Cliffs bison to eventually number about 450.

801-538-4700 • Wildlife.Utah.gov

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