We get a “new” Billy the Kid photo sent to us almost every week. The photo of the cocky-looking gent on the opposite page is a good example.
Some guys bring the photo right into our True West office. Check out Frank Abrams, with brother Mike, and his alleged Billy the Kid and Pat Ga

True West March 2018
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- What History Has Taught Me: Brian Downes
- Does Consumption Exist Today?
- Cattle, Cowboys and Culture
- Western Events for March 2018
- Back to Basque
- Sarah “Great Western” Bowman Reportedly Died of a Tarantula Bite. Is Tarantula Venom that Poisonous?
- Fake News Guru
- The Oatman Massacre
- What Happened to the Scalp that “Buffalo Bill” Cody Took from Cheyenne Warrior Yellow Hair at Warbonnet Creek in 1876?
- America’s First Cavalry Blade
- Gem City of the Plains
- Big Year for Custer Guns
- How are Cattle Brands read, and how do Ranchers select them?
- Sitting with Wyatt Earp
- Is Pancho Villa’s “Punitive Expedition” the same as the “Mexican Expedition?”
- The Suspect Savannah Strike