If the old adage that one picture is worth a thousand words is true, then Nicolas Clapp’s Bodie: Good Times & Bad with photography by Will Furman (Sunset Publications, Inc., $22.95) should have clocked in at 80,000 words. However, Clapp provides a succinct but thorough account of the rise and eventual decline of California’s most famous ghos

True West February 2018
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Blood on the Earth
- Lewis & Clark-Inspired Whiskey
- What Was the Most Popular Weapon After the Civil War?
- Texas’s Loyal Unionist
- What History Has Taught Me: Max Allan Collins
- Western Events for February 2018
- Who Succeeded “Wild Bill” Hickok as Marshal of Abilene, Kansas?
- The Mysterious Death of John Ringo
- Blessed Booze
- Did Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday’s Fathers Meet While Serving in the Mexican-American War?
- Hot Air & Kind Words
- Did Most Old West Towns Have “No Carry” Gun Laws?
- Wild West Six-gun Goes to War
- Top 10 True Western Towns of 2018
- Gunfight in the Galiuros
- Did Whip Snapper Lash LaRue Make Movies?