When war broke out with Mexico in 1846 the prize the United States hoped to gain was California. To accomplish the mission the Army of the West was dispatched from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas to capture Santa Fe then advance across the wilderness that would one day become Arizona and raise the Stars and Stripes over California.
In late September, 1846 the army under the command of Colonel Stephen Watts Kearny left Santa Fe bound for California.
A second column in Kearny’s Army was made up o

True West June 2018
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- What History Has Taught Me: Rudolfo Anaya
- A Watch to Die For
- Did Ranches have Ice Houses?
- Idaho City: Queen of the Gold Camps
- Western Events for June 2018
- Did Gunmen really make Tenderfeet “Dance” by Shooting at their Feet?
- Was “Little Gertie, the Gold Dollar” Real?
- Romance and the Buffalo Hunt
- Discover San Angelo – An Oasis in West Texas, Off the Beaten Path
- What Happened in the Billy Allen-”Doc” Holliday Fight Over $5?
- The Painter’s Cabin
- The Dodge City Lawdog