In his sixth Ranger-related book, Whiskey River Ranger: The Old West Life of Baz Outlaw (University of North Texas, $34.95) retired U.S. Treasury agent Bob Alexander of Maypearl, Texas, has produced the definitive biography of this lawman born with an ironic surname. He was at one time Texas Ranger Baz Outlaw, not Bass Outlaw as writers have often incorrectly referred to him for years. Outlaw clearly had an attitude, which is also what Alexander writes with. While sticking to the facts he clea

October 2016
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- The First Woman to “Despise” Polygamy
- The Explosion
- John Bozeman’s Legacy
- Frank Hamer’s Recuperation in Pecos
- Legendary Lady of the West
- Struggling for a Dream
- In Frederic Remington’s Aiding a Comrade, what is the name of the holder that carries two of the men’s rifles on the front of their saddles?
- Pancho’s Pension
- Building Your Western Library
- Gambling with Men’s Lives
- A River of Life
- Yellowstone’s Early Explorer
- Virgil’s Sixgun
- Mogollon Rim
- A Formidable Foe
- Road to Destiny
- George Parsons: Tombstone Insider
- The Noble Trickster
- A Holdup for the Ages
- The Storied Hashknife
- What do you have to say about my favorite movie cowboy, Lash LaRue?