"Before leaving the train, I had prudently strapped to my waist a new (how distressingly new) Colt’s six-shooter, that looked and felt a yard long ... the rig I had taken so much time in selecting and felt so proud of [was] quickly consigned to the scrap heap ... [My] pistol had to be stripped of its flap holster and rehabited in the

September 2008
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Unbridled Cowboy (Nonfiction)
- High Noon
- The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones, Vol. III
- The Phantom Empire
- Runaway Horse Reined in
- Amazing Girls of Arizona (Children’s Book)
- Unbridled Dreams (Fiction)
- Val Kilmer Returns
- The Training Ground (Nonfiction)
- Patterson: A Western Duo (Fiction)
- The Legacy of the Mastodon (Nonfiction)
- Horses that Buck: The Story of Champion Bronc Rider Bill Smith (Nonfiction)
- Bad Fruits of the Civilized Tree (Nonfiction)
- Survival Along the Continental Divide (Nonfiction)
- Black Women in Texas History (Nonfiction)
- Dime Novel Desperadoes: The Notorious Maxwell Brothers (Nonfiction)
- Wolves at Our Door (Fiction)