What was the most popular weapon after the Civil War?
Wes Shinn
Saratoga Springs, New York
After the Civil War, the most popular weapons were those featuring the self-contained cartridge, which displaced the paper cartridge used up through the Civil War. The 1873 Winchester rifle (below left) and the 1873 Colt Single Action Army “Peacemaker” revolver (below right) were among these. Yet the double-barreled shotgun, a comparatively inexpensive firearm, may have been the more popular one, sa

True West February 2018
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Blood on the Earth
- Lewis & Clark-Inspired Whiskey
- What Was the Most Popular Weapon After the Civil War?
- Texas’s Loyal Unionist
- What History Has Taught Me: Max Allan Collins
- Western Events for February 2018
- Who Succeeded “Wild Bill” Hickok as Marshal of Abilene, Kansas?
- The Mysterious Death of John Ringo
- Blessed Booze
- Did Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday’s Fathers Meet While Serving in the Mexican-American War?
- Hot Air & Kind Words
- Did Most Old West Towns Have “No Carry” Gun Laws?
- Wild West Six-gun Goes to War
- Top 10 True Western Towns of 2018
- Gunfight in the Galiuros
- Did Whip Snapper Lash LaRue Make Movies?