This group of Texas Rangers shows the popularity of the 1873 Winchester, whether it was in rifle or carbine form, as all but one longarm in this circa 1880s photograph is either a ’73 carbine or rifle. The exception is the ranger in the back row with a Colt Burgess repeater. Likewise, the 1873 Colt Single Action Army revolver is the sidearm of choice with these hardy Westerners — All Photos Courtesy Phil Spangenberger Unless O

True West April 2018
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- What History Has Taught Me: Russell True
- Western Events for April 2018
- What was the Most Effective Stance for an Old West Gunfighter?
- How Many Men did Marshal Dillon Kill in the Gunsmoke Series?
- The Fair’s Frontier Fare
- Was John Selman a Bad Guy?
- Peace on the High Plains
- Proving Up
- The Spark that Launched the Vendetta Ride
- Was Josh Randall’s Wanted: Dead or Alive ”Mare’s Leg” Winchester based on a real Old West Gun?
- A Frontier Favorite Lever Gun
- Who has Jim Bowie’s Knife from the 1836 Battle of the Alamo?
- Monkey Business
- America’s Most Famous Firehouse?
- A Treaty Goes Up in Smoke