It’s quiet. Too quiet. At any moment, I know—I can feel it—that I’m about to be attacked by a tribe of plein air painters! Oops. There goes that stillness, and here comes the dust as a truckload of tourists kicks up red earth, coating my wife’s white Saturn Vue—she let me take it on this trip—with the same beautiful dirt director John Ford made his own. Monument Valley Triba

August 2008
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Oh, the Horror!
- Billy the Brit
- Many a River
- The Civil War in Arizona (Nonfiction)
- Sun Going Down (Fiction)
- The Comanche Empire (Nonfiction)
- Killstraight (Fiction)
- The Trespassers (Fiction)
- Missy (Fiction)
- Edith and the Mysterious Stranger (Young Adult)
- Salt Warriors (Nonfiction)
- Buffalo Bill On Stage (Nonfiction)
- Boots ‘n’ Beans (Nonfiction)
- Forgotten Lives: African Americans in South Dakota (Nonfiction)
- Give Me Eighty Men: Women and the Myth of the Fetterman Fight (Nonfiction)
- Mongolian Clint
- The Westerner/Man of the West
- Rabbit and the Well
- Gospel of the Gun (Fiction)
- Along Came a Cowboy (Fiction)
- The Bloody Texans (Fiction)
- Robber’s Roost (Fiction)
- Louis L’Amour, A Memoir (Nonfiction)
- The Feud That Wasn’t (Nonfiction)
- Dolly & Zane Grey: Letters From a Marriage (Nonfiction)
- Mavericks: A Gallery of Texas Characters (Nonfiction)
- The West the Railroads Made (Nonfiction)
- Chief Bender’s Burden: The Silent Struggle of a Baseball Star (Nonfiction)
- Ensuring Greater Yellowstone’s Future (Nonfiction)
- Young Wayne Blazed a Big Trail
- Wild West History Sleuths
- The Top 10 Western DVD Collections
- Iron Man Plays Gunslinger?
More In This Issue
- How to Get Rich Buying Books
- Tramping Through Our National Parks With John Muir
- Witness to History
- Fred King
- Sticks and Stones Can Break Your Bank
- A Bullet for Your Troubles
- Here Comes the Cavalry
- Roger Clyne
- Kendrick’s Northern Cowboys
- Preservation: Calif Parks’ Death Knell?
- Food Poisoning in the Old West
- Monument Valley’s 50th
- The Great Race of Mercy
- New Kid on the Block
- Must-Ride National Parks
- Dubois, Wyoming
- The Saddle King’s Mor-Do Ranch
- Riding Fence
- Remember the Baca-Cowboy War?
- Hang ’em High and Fast
- Preservation: Harvey House is History