With a blast of the steam whistle, a small steamboat cast off from California’s Fort Yuma during the early days of 1858 to explore the Colorado River. The 54-foot shallow draught riverboat carried exploration personnel under the command of Lt. Joseph Christmas Ives, who was tasked with exploring the navigability of the river toward Utah and its course through the great canyon beyond. The U.S. Army Corps of Topographical Engineers wanted to know if the Colorado River could serve as a military s

True West April 2018
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- What History Has Taught Me: Russell True
- Western Events for April 2018
- What was the Most Effective Stance for an Old West Gunfighter?
- How Many Men did Marshal Dillon Kill in the Gunsmoke Series?
- The Fair’s Frontier Fare
- Was John Selman a Bad Guy?
- Peace on the High Plains
- Proving Up
- The Spark that Launched the Vendetta Ride
- Was Josh Randall’s Wanted: Dead or Alive ”Mare’s Leg” Winchester based on a real Old West Gun?
- A Frontier Favorite Lever Gun
- Who has Jim Bowie’s Knife from the 1836 Battle of the Alamo?
- Monkey Business
- America’s Most Famous Firehouse?
- A Treaty Goes Up in Smoke