No sooner had a prospector’s pick struck paydirt in some out-of-the-way place than a stampede of pilgrims began arriving. Most of them were hell-bent on “mining the miners” or “separating some sucker from his poke sack.”
Among the first to arrive were the whiskey peddlers, soiled doves and land speculators. Hot on their tails were the lawyers. Litigation became the single most lucrative busine

December 2017
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Aimee Semple McPherson Part I
- The Day the Train Rolled into Phoenix
- The Day the Steel Rails Reached Tucson
- Territorial Justice
- True West’s Ultimate Historic Travel Guide: Northern Prairie and Plains
- The Great Swindler James Addison Reavis
- A Bad Customer
- The Last Territorial Acquisition
- What Happened to the Remains of the Alamo Defenders After They Were Burned Following the 1836 Battle?
- Arizona Charlie
- True West’s Ultimate Historic Travel Guide: The Pacific Coast
- The Earps Raise a Behan
- Johnny Lingo: Tis the Season
- Who played Johnny Ringo in Tombstone? And do you think the real Ringo took his own life?
- True West’s Ultimate Historic Travel Guide: Southern Prairie and Plains
- Surviving a Meal in Dodge City
- What is a Red River Cart?
- Hancock’s War
- Western Events for December 2017
- Is Tombstone home to two Boothills?
- Jerked to Jesus
- What History Has Taught Me: Reba McEntire
- True West’s Ultimate Historic Travel Guide: Great Basin and Rocky Mountains
- Red Ryder BB Gun
- The Bayou City
- An Unusual Scale
- Lincoln County’s New History
- True West’s Ultimate Historic Travel Guide: The Desert Southwest
- A Tol Tale of Texas