How did wagon trains keep law and order on the trail?
Alan Shope
Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
The wagon master was the man in charge. He knew the trails and had experience getting through the trials and travails of the trail safely.
In addition, most wagon train groups elected a council that held court for breaches of discipline. Usually, the wagon master acted as judge, but it might fall to someone else of character or position (like a preacher).
The cases they considered varied. But the c

True West November 2019
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
To The Point
- Wyatt’s Stallion, the Apache Kid and the Code of the West
- Ask The Marshall
- Geronimo Steals the Show
- If the State Won’t Do It
- Santa Fe Art Pilgrimage
- Ask the Marshall
- Ask the Marshall
- Ask the Marshall
- Ask the Marshall
- Ask the Marshall
- Prescott, Arizona
- Western Roundup
- Pioneers and Their Pies
- Alaska at 60
- An Officer and a Gentleman
- Bullets, Bread & Bad Behavior
- Ask the Marshall
- What History Has Taught Me: W. Michael Farmer, Author