WHEN’S THE LAST TIME YOU VISITED LAST CHANCE, MONTANA? Never, you say. Naw, that isn’t right. This writer was there a couple years ago. Of course, we don’t call it that anymore. But this original name in 1864 was in honor of the second biggest placer gold deposit ever found in Montana Territory, the Last Chance Gulch. Over two decades,it gave up $3.6 billion in gold, making “Last Chance,” one of the wealthiest cities in the country at the time. Obviously, they saw that wealth coming and the original name didn’t last long. Too crass for a place that was going to make so many rich. So miners got together just before Halloween in 1864 to select a new name. Among the suggestions were Pumpkinville—interesting, because that was also suggested for what now is Phoenix—or Squashtown. The final choice was Helena—some said it was for a township in Minnesota, southerns preferred to think of it as an Arkansas town along the Mississippi. Whatever, it held, and Last Chance became Helena. In 1875 it became the capital of the territory and in 1889 the capital of the new state of Montana. Still a great place to visit, after all these years.

November 2016
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Through Yavapai-Apache Eyes
- One fascinating and Formidable Pioneer Woman
- Navajo Women Helped the War Effort, Too
- Saying Goodbye to an American Hero
- Billy Breakenridge Zwing Hunt
- Law and Order on the Border
- Granville Stuart: Gentleman Vigilante
- Bread Across the West
- The Women on the Mother Road
- The Walk Down
- The ‘Perfesser’
- On to Oregon
- Roses So Sweet They Remember
- Raining Bricks and Shooting Citizens
- “Brazen Bill” Brazelton
- Juanita Brooks
- Good Words of Advice as the Noose Awaits
- Tales of Pat Garrett
- October was Black Bart’s Favorite
- DVD Review: Cemetery Without Crosses
- Mountain Charley
- A Photo has Always Been Worth a Thousand Words
- Preserving Polygamy
- Entertainment and the Arts
- Their Name Lives On
- During the Great Depression, Did People Eat Tumbleweed Soup?
- Western Events for November 2016
- What History Has Taught Me
- Why Did Stage Drivers Sit on the Right Side?
- TRUE WEST MOMENT: Geronimo on the Beach
- Buckaroos and Basques
- Did Old Westerners Generally Load only Five out of the Six Chambers?
- The Mormon Handcart Migration
- Starvation Winter
- When’s the Last Time You Visited Last Chance, Montana?
- Which Cards was “Wild Bill” Hickok Holding when He was Murdered?
- When Mrs. Satan Ran for President
- A Clear Path to a Clear Fork Post
- Do Westerns Accurately Show how Horses are Saddle Broken?
- The Coward of Little Big Horn