Cole Younger has to be the toughest outlaw who ever lived. In addition to having 11 slugs in his body, Cole had to guide his horse with his knees after a Northfield Raid defender shot away the reins to his bridle with birdshot. Pursued by more than 1,000 farmers hungry for the reward ($10,000), Cole and his two brothers were captured at Hanska Slough and taken to nearby Madelia, Minnesota.

True West September 2018
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Fire in the Hole!
- Adventures in the Apache Country
- Americas First “Astronauts”
- Bodie, California
- A Not So Heroic End
- Joe Mundy Rides Again
- Cap Mossman: Boss of the Hashknife
- Like Ducks to Water
- Sneak Attack on the James Farm
- Remington’s Last Six-guns
- Riding for the Hashknife
- Bank Robbery at Telluride
- How did Frontier Ladies Curl their Hair?
- Arab Berbers Ride Hard
- I Will Always Be Your Friend
- Viva L’ouest!
- A Hero on his Last Run
- A Dandy of a Man
- John Slaughter and the San Bernardino Ranch
- The Youngers of Missouri: Part Two
- The Youngers of Missouri: First Blood
- Did Old West Saloons Have Refrigeration?
- What History Has Taught Me: Erik J. Wright
- Fort Smith, Arkansas: Where the Old West Begins
- What was Paladin’s first name on Have Gun-Will Travel?
- Western Events for September 2018
- Mexican Marvels
- Pursuing Outlaw Sam Bass
- How Tough was Longhorn Meat?
- The Youngest Prisoner
- Did “Big Nose Kate” Carry a Gun?
- History in Ink
- Why did Cavalrymen Wear their Pistols with the butts Forward?
- The Mother Lode Spirit
- Upping the Ante